Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Missing Weekend

Back at home I always had weekends. No matter what school I was studying in, no matter how stressed I got, I always had weekends that recharged and re-energized me. The weeks were hellish, but at least the weekends were restful.

Ever since May 20 2006, those weekends have disappeared.

It's an odd feeling. Whenever I go back to school on mondays, I don't feel rested at all. I don't feel recharged. I don't feel... well... I don't feel bad about it really.

I look at it as being in one constant state of working with only brief moments of respite spread throughout. Now I understand the old advertising maxim: Work hard, play hard. I am a string strecthed taut by script studies and pitch creation. Every so often I'll have a film viewing or night at the pub to pluck that string, but it never unravels.

I work even on weekends. I have a rule that I don't work on Saturdays, but that ain't quite true. Even if I don't actively work on a project, I still read my scripts and think about my pitches. On sundays back home, I used to play soccer with my buds and dinner after. Now, it's Sunday afternoon battles wrestling with Final Draft 7 in the VFS writing lab.

And yet...

I love it.

I am always tired but it is a good tired. It is a tiredness born from productivity and meaning, not from mindless repetitive acts that mean nothing.

I look forward to those moments (usually on Saturdays) when I can relax either by myself or with my friends... but oddly enough I also look forward to each and every day of my studies at VFS with equal intensity.

I finally feel that I am doing something worthwhile with my talents.

p.s. I dunno if any of the above made sense... I just spent about an hour working on something and my mind is mush.


Blogger AnneMac said...

Yes, Gino, you make a lot of sense. Wait 'til you graduate to the real world...But, hey, it's always a good sign when you don't mind being tired and stressed out when doing your work -- yes, even if it takes your weekends away. That only means you're enjoying what you're doing!

And yes, we work hard and play hard (sometimes harder) in the ad world.

12:10 AM  
Blogger chat said...

Talk about foresight. Justin and I have been whining about this and you were feeling it about a year ago.

The day they give you independence is the day they try to take away the weekends. ("they" being "the man"/"big fat lady in the sky")

5:49 AM  

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