Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Battlestar Galactica

Just so you all know... no, I'm not dead. Just really, really busy.

Anyway, since I have a small window to write something NOT school related, I figured I would touch upon my latest obsession:
Yep, Battlestar Galactica.

I remember watching the original series as a kid and sorta ignoring it after one episode. Honestly... it wasn't very good. Even at my young age, I could see that it was cheesy beyond belief, and the Cylons were just not that great at being villains. But I understood it for being the landmark that it was and still is... a show that proved you could make sci-fi shows on tv that looked fairly good, regardless of how cheesy it was.

I duly forgot about it after a while.

Cut to October 2006.

I of course had heard about the BSG remake of 2003. I had heard of it and ignored it, thinking it was basically a second serving of cheesy not-so-goodness. And after taking one look at Number 6 (the girl in the red dress), I thought: "Oh my god, they're actually stealing from Voyager!"

I was wrong, and I admit it.

Earlier this month, my friend Josh dumped the entire first season on my saying "Thomas, this will change your life".

Slightly doubtful, I nevertheless decided to give at least the pilot miniseries a chance.

ANd I was riveted.

The show is nothing like I imagined. People had told me that this is a show which non-scifi fans will love. And when once I considered that statement hogwash, I was left pleasantly surprised and eating my words.

This show is the best show on television right now, sci-fi or not.

I will justify that stament later... I have to work now.


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