Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An Elegie for "Elegie"

So I'm pretty bummed out today.

It's a nice Vancouver spring day... the type where the sky is so clear and the sun is so bright that you don't know whether summer has come early. The trees are verdant and full of leaves, healthy and thriving. The grass has taken that as a challenge, and seems to have vowed not to be overshadowed by their taller brothers. Green. Everywhere. Green.

Yup, it's a perfect day for filming.

The only problem is... we're not.

So I got an email from Nick (the production coordinator) saying that shooting on Elegie is being postponed to a later date due to location issues.

This sucks. The past week, I've been in semi-constant email contact with Julie (my director) trying to get all the props and stuff right. My lead actress, Roxanne, has even taken to calling me to make sure that her wardrobe is just right. It was a frantic (oh alright... not so frantic) build up to filming... which was supposed to be today.

Ah well... at least this gives us more time for pre-production.

Now if I can only find gold wedding rings...


Blogger Kat said...

hun, try the costume shops! They're bound to have those

=) and don't feel so blue, you'll get to film soon and we all can't wait to see it!

Love you!

8:40 AM  

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