Sunday, May 20, 2007

Quick Update

Well, still doing tons of work. Right now, I need to do:

- 2 outlines for Feature
- edit my series bible for TV Pilot
- read and analyze the script for "The Fugitive"
- and, on tuesday, read and analyze other people's outlines.

And of course, an ongoing thing is working on my wedding in December! Yay!

Oh, and found this online:
Yup. That's an official image of Heath Ledger as The Joker from the Batman Begins sequel "The Dark Knight."

And, yup, I'm excited as hell.


Blogger Kat said...

that's so cool hun! Although you don't really blog as much, I'm glad you get to visit it once in a while.

you rock hun!

9:56 PM  
Blogger HippieFridge said...



Oh my God...

I'm marrying that photo. NOW.

1:16 AM  

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