Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Favorite Movie of All Time

Many people have asked me the same question over the years :

"What's your favorite movie?"

And I would always reply:

"What genre? Can I give you a top 5?"

I could never answer that.

But just recently, I watched a movie for the 6th or 7th time... and I realized that I still got goosebumps at all the right times, and that I came away from the movie feeling more renewed and hopeful than I had the LAST time I watched it. I realized that this movie gives me hope when I want it, affirmation when I need it, and it nourishes my soul each time I watch it.

If that doesn't qualify it as my favorite movie, than what does?

The movie in question:

Next post, I'll tell you all exactly why this is, in my opinion, the greatest movie of the modern era.


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